In their breathless rush to condemn SCOTUS for its executive immunity decision, leftist zealots appear to have received new marching orders to relentlessly parrot the false talking point that Presidents will now be able to order SEAL Team Six to carry out assassinations on a President's political opponents.
This is utter bullshit and they know it, but creating lies and repeating lies ad infinitum is effective propaganda. So is their reliance on the average person (and every pundit out there so far) to not carefully read the text of the SCOTUS decision.
Here's the key excerpt written by Chief Justice Roberts with key phrases in bold:
Assassination of domestic political opponents is murder (not constitutional) and any President's issuance of of such an order would be unlawful (not constitutional). Furthermore, service members are specifically trained to not obey unlawful orders from any officer in their chain of command.
The SEAL Team Hit-Squad scenario was fabricated to distort the truth, create false outrage and foment hostility toward the Supreme Court.
This is utter bullshit and they know it, but creating lies and repeating lies ad infinitum is effective propaganda. So is their reliance on the average person (and every pundit out there so far) to not carefully read the text of the SCOTUS decision.
Here's the key excerpt written by Chief Justice Roberts with key phrases in bold:
"The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party."
Assassination of domestic political opponents is murder (not constitutional) and any President's issuance of of such an order would be unlawful (not constitutional). Furthermore, service members are specifically trained to not obey unlawful orders from any officer in their chain of command.
The SEAL Team Hit-Squad scenario was fabricated to distort the truth, create false outrage and foment hostility toward the Supreme Court.
Statistics: Posted by Colonel Obyezyana — 7/2/2024, 6:42 am — Replies 0 — Views 103